Jun 14Liked by Gurpreet Dhariwal

The sense of entitlement some people have always astounds me! If someone willingly share words of wisdom, it's well and good. But we don't owe anyone anything. Good that you, my friend, know your worth. :) Lovely article, btw.

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Thank you so much, sweetheart 🥰 Yeah, some people believe we write for them or share the tips only for them. While it’s completely a different case when I do that. I had to block her. It’s equally important to raise awareness about what others are trying to do with other authors. God saved me. Thank you for reading and encouraging me always ❤️🥰🤗

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Jun 16Liked by Gurpreet Dhariwal

It's always a pleasure reading your words and insights into human mind. :) <3

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